Moving Forward Dance is always seeking new opportunities.
For bookings, presentations, or inquiries, please contact us at
‘Interlude in F minor’
Run Time: 10 minutes 30 seconds
Interlude in F minor delves into the tension between nostalgia and the passage of time, between the desire to relive the past and the inevitability of moving forward. The space serves as a liminal space—a place where time is blurred, where memory and fantasy intertwine.
Run Time: 5 Minutes
Detach explores the ways individuals are shaped and influenced by societal forces. Framing the dancer as a puppet, the piece raises questions about autonomy—examining the tension between self-directed choices and those imposed externally. Through a dynamic interplay of control and resistance, the solo traces a journey toward liberation from external constraints.
Run Time: 20 Minutes
$var(4) is a contemporary dance piece set in a futuristic laboratory where AI has taken over the creation of life. In this world, humans are no longer born with innate instincts; instead, they are programmed by computers, devoid of natural human emotions and instincts. $var(4) raises poignant questions about the essence of humanity, the role of technology in shaping our lives, and the timeless pursuit of connection and belonging in an increasingly digital world.
‘Darker Than This’
Large Ensemble - Dance Film
Darker Than This unfolds in the raw stillness of an underground basement, where 30 dancers move as one—searching for light in the shadows. The film traces the quiet power of togetherness, revealing how community can lift us through even the heaviest moments. Amid the darkness, sparks of levity and hope emerge, illuminating the resilience of the human spirit.